Clarinda Iowa Chamber of Commerce
Dog Days of Summer
The Heartland Chapter was requested by the Clarinda Iowa’s Chamber of Commerce to have a representative at the cities 2nd annual Dog Days of Summer. It is an idea that the city set up to promote itself and the heat of August. The theme encompasses anything and everything dog. There was a doggy talent show, a dog costume contest, a dog show that included the longest tail, tallest dog and the best mannered. There were also talks and demonstrations about working and sporting dogs.
The Heartland Chapter had 4 members, Shari Stueck and Terry Krueger of Rufnit Kennels and Darin and Amber Tolzin, volunteer to represent the chapter and NAVHDA. Rufnit brought 3 Braque Du Bourbonnais, or the off breed as they are known fondly throughout the chapter. The Tolzins brought a German Shorthair, German Wirehair, and a Epagnuel Breton. For those of you going “What?” it is a French Brittany.
The goal of the chapter was to increase awareness in the area for NAVHDA. This was done thru passing out brochures and an informative talk by Chapter President, Darin Tolzin that explained the basics of how and why NAVHDA was created and how it has evolved in the last 40 years. A note of AKC recognizing our registry and our sponsors were also mentioned. A brief overview of each test was given and a plug for the chapter’s testing dates and site may have been thrown in along the way.
Six members invited to the NAVHDA 2009 Invitational
The Heartland Chapter has six companions that will be participating in the NAVHDA 2009 Invitational.
Larry Woodward - Aux Lake Astral
Pam Robinson - Hunting Hills Gunnar
Kris Hill - Looses Jaika
Shari Stueck - Rufnit Alex
Ken Hamele - Jerry Vom Buchenberg
Tracey Nelson - Campbell's Boz Upland Hunter
Our Chapter has two breeders that received Natural Ability Breeder Awards in 2007:
Kris Hill / HuntHills Kennels / SM
Shari Stueck / Rufnit Kennels / BB
January 2008 Newsletter from the President
January 11, 2008
I hope all of you had as an eventful year as I did. 2007 was a big year for the Heartland Chapter. We hosted a very successful annual meeting in January. It could not have been done without all of the volunteers. I was appointed as a NAVHDA judge at this meeting, marking a very satisfying personal goal for myself. We kicked off the training season in March at Skyline lodge and met every 1st Saturday thru the month of October. Our Spring test was held May 11-13 and the Fall test was October 12-14. We also held a NA test in conjunction with Small Munsterlander Association in June that Tracey and I were invited to judge at. Once again our tests were full and a waiting list started. People want to test at our chapter, because of the hospitality and the accommodations. You all should be proud of this. There are judges that want to come judge at our tests for this fact as well. We had many successful dogs pass at all levels this year. Numerous Utility and Natural Ability dogs were added to the chapter this year. Special recognition must be given to Tracey Nelson and Kris Hill who both took dogs to the Invitational and earned Versatile Champion titles. Kris also is an apprentice judge and applied to become a judge this year. Good Luck Kris!! Many of our members participated in Hunt Tests, Field Trials, and the Show Ring with success throughout the year.
Some events planned for the upcoming year are the tests. The Heartland Annual Meeting will be held February 9th at Skyline Lodge in Thurman at 4:00 PM. There will be a no host dinner following the meeting. We also have scheduled a Handlers Clinic for April 19 and 20. The cost of this is $75 per person or $125 per couple. This clinic will provide useful hands on information from 2 NAVHDA senior judges on how NAVHDA judges score the dogs and an overview of the testing rules will be given. It is very enlightening and informative for first time handlers and veterans as well. Mock tests situations will be held and judged by all in attendance. Common handling errors and useful tips will also be discussed. Unfortunately we can only accommodate 20 people for this seminar. If you are interested in attending contact Tracey Nelson via e-mail at quickpup25@wmconnect.net. The spring test has been moved up 2 weeks this year to May 3-4. The spring test is almost full. If anyone has a dog that they would like to test, contact Amber Tolzin at dnatolzin@hughes.net for space availability. The Fall test will be held October 10-12th. We will need volunteers for both of these tests, plan your schedule accordingly. Everyone had better be there or have a note from their parents!!! LOL
There will be some changes in the chapter’s officers this year as well. Tracey Nelson stepped down as President this year after several years in the office. (Thanks Tracey). I was voted to be the new President by a total of 6 votes. It was a close race with Santa as a write-in I guess. Kris Hill will be the new Secretary. Tom McDonald will be stepping in to fulfill the vacated Vice President position. Shari Stueck will remain as treasurer. Tim Raglin will be the new Training Director and we are currently trying to recruit a Promotions Director. Heartland Chapter dues are due the first of January. These can be paid in person at the annual meeting as well. If you are not a member of Skyline Lodge ($100) there is a $10/day fee to train on the grounds. Many Chapters do not have this advantage and have to pay $25 - $50 per day to train. There will be some etiquette rules posted on the website for training day, please read and become familiar with these before attending. They are mostly common sense, but we all could use reminding at times.
I hope you all had a chance to get out and hunt your dogs this year. I spent 10 days in Montana hunting Huns, sharptail, ruffed, spruce and blue grouse and 2 porcupines (long story). I had so much fun I took Amber and went back for another 5 days. The hunting and dog work were great. We also had a very strong finish to our pheasant season after a dismal start. Amber’s new French Brittany pup pointed and retrieved several wild birds this year. My female Mia really turned into a consistent bird dog the last half of the season and retrieved a bird or two herself. My old female Darby, started her retirement by not making any trips and only hunting half days this year. I was pretty torn up by the realization that she still had the will, but not the youthful legs.
I am looking forward to working with all of you and hope that we have another productive year. I hope to see you all at the meeting in February.
Darin Tolzin
Heartland NAVHDA
2007 VC's awarded to Heartland Chapter Members:
Cody Vom Apfelbaumbach (SM) - Kris Hill
JJem's Julia (GS) - Tracey Nelson
Presidents Newsletter: Winter 2007

Heartland NAVHDA Utility Test October 8, 2005
The first known NAVHDA Utility Test consisting of all female owners/handlers!
Kristine Hill (Small Munsterlander), Sally Jo Hoaglund (Weimaraner)
Shari Stueck (Braque du Bourbonnais), Cheryl Asmus (German Shorthaired Pointer)
Photo courtesy of Tresha Moorberg
Heartland NAVHDA members...
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