
After considering the area that our membership encompasses, the Executive Committee has decided that nominations for President and Secretary will be accepted by email and not at the annual meeting.  These nominations will be accepted until November 26th at 6:00pm.  Please email your nominations to heartlandelection@gmail.com.  After that date,  a list of floor nominees  requiring a 2nd will be emailed out.  Voting will take place via email shortly after the first of the year.  Our hope is that this process is more conducive to all of our members since many have to travel a great distance to attend the meeting and planning a date that works for everyone is difficult. 

The Executive Council has nominated Darin Tolzin for President and Shelley Banzhaf for Secretary.

The annual meeting will be held on February 18 at 12:30 at a place TBD. (We are trying to acquire Lazlos in West Omaha again.) Social hour will be at 11:30.

This is also the time that annual membership dues need to be paid for 2018.  If you are unable to attend the meeting please mail your membership dues to Chuck Casanova prior to 02/18/2018.

If you would like anything added to the agenda please contact one of the chapter officers.

Heartland NAVHDA EC

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